近来接二连三收到坏消息, 真的够衰!!! +______________+
前阵子我大姐一直身体不舒服, 没胃口而且胸口发闷... 看了好多次医生也没好转~ 在照了X-ray之后发现她的胆生石头 (oh my god!!!) 后来再去找专科检查,原来是虚惊一场 (真的很想扁那笨医生 :@) 却在这时刻得知大姐的胃部已破了好几个洞而且细菌已慢慢延伸~ (天啊, 这是开玩笑吗? 我大姐是天生怕死的人, 超注重健康和卫生... 从不乱吃危害身体的食品, 怎么可能胃部会受细菌感染呢?! ) 但这确是真实的, 无论如何也得接受的事实! 虽然医生开了药也叫我们别太担心, 毕竟药物还可以控制一切~ 但大姐还是没办法面对这突然事件, 精神差了很多还经常自言自语, 真担心她会得了忧郁症! :( 还好她有四千金陪在身边, 现在开始慢慢好转了... 大姐, 你要加油要赶快好起来...我们一家人都会一直陪伴你支持你的~~~
刚刚看到三姐的来电显示, 心里隐隐感觉不妙所以赶快接听了! 果然电话那里就听见"大件事啦"~ ==' 我还以为大姐病情严重, 结果却是四姐的店进贼了! (天哪, 怎么这么多倒霉事都发生在我家人身上而且还是同一时间?!) 四姐的店在第一次进贼之后就装上了警钟, 八年以来也相当没事, 没想到现在又历史重演, 而且又没惊动到警钟, 所以现金就酱白白给那死贼拿光了 (真是乌龟xx蛋)...
那些钱是四姐准备要买烟酒补货的所以就留在店里, 没想到那死贼来对了时间, 真是损失惨重~
现在是非常时期, 生意不大好, 手头口袋都紧紧地... 又发生这件事, 真是雪上加霜! 唉.......
钱没了, 我还可以赚给他们~ 但如果他们出事了, 我就没办法补偿了!
我真的好担心, 担心家人的安危, 担心失去他们~ :'(
求求老天保佑我最亲爱的人平平安安, 健健康康...
Saturday, February 21, 2009
My dear 答应今天带我到Jurong bird park 去看看~因为旅游局搞促销, 凡是持有promotion sms者就有得换取免费入门票, 除了Bird park, 还有national museum, singapore flyer, sentosa and river cruise的入门票... 我们都已安排好时间, 争取这次的大好机会到处去游缆...真是太高兴了!!!
所以一早就起床, 赶紧把棉被窗单洗了... my dear就帮忙洗风扇而我就把房间灰尘打扫一遍~弄好所有家务事之后, 我们就出门去了!

最后, 喝了两杯热热的绿茶消化消化... 不然我就像大莽蛇一样, 肚子饱到... 根本走不动了!!! ;p
所以一早就起床, 赶紧把棉被窗单洗了... my dear就帮忙洗风扇而我就把房间灰尘打扫一遍~弄好所有家务事之后, 我们就出门去了!
当我们到达那时,真的被那里的交通和人山人海给吓了一大跳~心想免费票不会这么快就派完吧, 毕竟那时才十点钟耶! 很可惜的, 当我们排在长龙时就听见那里负责人说免费票早已派完了... 唉!!!本来想买票进去的可惜队伍真的太长了所以就失望的走了~ 还好my dear说带我去吃好料不然真的太扫兴了...
后来我们就到jurong point去吃japanese buffet~哇哈哈, 真是太棒了!!!
~~* wide spread foods of seafood & sashimi *~~
~~~~* varieties of yummy sushi *~~~
mini paper steamboat, noodles, fried & grill and teppanyaki
~~~~* sweet sweet desserts *~~~~
这里真是太棒了... 各别种类的食物与甜点真的美不胜举!!! 我们就在那足足吃了两个小时, 从头吃到尾, 肚子都快涨开了~ 真的大饱胃口... 好吃好吃!!! 很可惜午餐没有供应大螃蟹, 不然真的是给满一百分了~~~ ;p
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
★:¸¸.•´´¯`•❤* 珍惜 ★:¸¸.•´´¯`•❤*
或许是太过孤单, 没什么人聆听我的心声吧
有时候会问自己, 为什么我不能和他们一样?
拥有童年乐趣~ 少年生活~ 悠闲自在~
身边围绕着一群好朋友, 一起游玩嘻嘻哈哈~
说真的, 我没拥有过那种生活~
从来没参加什么活动, 甚至连party我也没什么兴趣~
从没与一群同学朋友游玩喜乐, 也没有尝试过夜生活~
或许我没有活动的细胞, 也或许我没有那个机会~
从小在家是受保护的小瓜, 也必须帮忙姐做生意~
中三就堕入爱情, 就从此受到男友管制~
在家人和男友的双权严制下, 我已经是完全没自由的人~
所以我很依赖, 害怕失去一切的无主义女人~
现在长大了自由了, 踏入社会工作也有四年了~
生活已转变, 思想也成熟了~ 开始在自己生活增添色彩~
只可惜朋友越来越少了~ 各自奔波, 各有忙碌生活
在外工作, 我也只能通过电话来拉近与家人的感情~
就只有男友在身边陪伴着我, 一起经历风风雨雨~
希望你们健健康康, 快快乐乐~
Monday, February 16, 2009
My vAleNtiNe's wEeKeNd
Nothing special on this year valentine's day~
no special celebration, no special present~
just a simple and normal day we had! *_______________*
On Saturday, my dear got to worked and me got to helped my friend to sold flower so our plan got to change on last minute =='
The feel of receiving flower is AMAZING~
The feel of selling flower is a WONDER~
Unexpected I was so daring to do it so... but then I still done it!
This was my first time, unable to describe the feeling~
Even there were embarrassed, but I feel very happy when saw the girl received the flower from lover ~ so blissful!!!
After few hours of peddled on expose to the sun, I was totally exhausted~ But, me only success sold out few of it because economic not so good and market very competitive, so many competitor anywhere you can see~sweat!!!
(may be I'm not sweet enough so nobody support me >.<) However, I had do my best and take it as experience, at least I learned to be bold! After reached home, I still cooked for my dear as I don't wish to went out anymore ~ I was totally died tired ~ whole body ache and tingle of blister on my leg, so painful!!! :'( but~~~thanks my dear for massage to me, apply ointment for me~ so great and touched!!! Love you so much, dear~ After catnap awhile, my dear fetch me out to ate dessert~ how happy am I cause he not really like to eat it but~ he knew I like it so...... ;) afterwards we went for a drive and then back home to watch movie~ At midnight we went for supper again~wAkAo, 1st time had supper since we're together about 2 and half years~ how memorable!! On Sunday, compensate our valentine's lunch at Stone Grill. Supposed went to redbox after lunch but room was fully booked so we just shop around instead! I thought have no more present but in the end my dear bought me a dress ~wahahaaaa... He is a particularist, not such romanticism... he only think highly of future instead of any commemorable days... so his expend always is for pragmatic and not on gift and present~sweat!!! So I had used on it that no have any suprise from him~ >.< (some time his thinking are right and reasonable, saving for future and prepare for the rainy day is better than everything~ how consideration he been!) Night time we went to Chinatown ate steamboat~ but the shop served not really good, little foods for choose and tasteless~ +.+ however, we still ate till very very full~ hehe... Now... I'm falling sick~ fever, headache and whole body ache~~~ ChAm.............@_________@
no special celebration, no special present~
just a simple and normal day we had! *_______________*
On Saturday, my dear got to worked and me got to helped my friend to sold flower so our plan got to change on last minute =='
The feel of receiving flower is AMAZING~
The feel of selling flower is a WONDER~
Unexpected I was so daring to do it so... but then I still done it!
This was my first time, unable to describe the feeling~
Even there were embarrassed, but I feel very happy when saw the girl received the flower from lover ~ so blissful!!!
After few hours of peddled on expose to the sun, I was totally exhausted~ But, me only success sold out few of it because economic not so good and market very competitive, so many competitor anywhere you can see~sweat!!!
(may be I'm not sweet enough so nobody support me >.<) However, I had do my best and take it as experience, at least I learned to be bold! After reached home, I still cooked for my dear as I don't wish to went out anymore ~ I was totally died tired ~ whole body ache and tingle of blister on my leg, so painful!!! :'( but~~~thanks my dear for massage to me, apply ointment for me~ so great and touched!!! Love you so much, dear~ After catnap awhile, my dear fetch me out to ate dessert~ how happy am I cause he not really like to eat it but~ he knew I like it so...... ;) afterwards we went for a drive and then back home to watch movie~ At midnight we went for supper again~wAkAo, 1st time had supper since we're together about 2 and half years~ how memorable!! On Sunday, compensate our valentine's lunch at Stone Grill. Supposed went to redbox after lunch but room was fully booked so we just shop around instead! I thought have no more present but in the end my dear bought me a dress ~wahahaaaa... He is a particularist, not such romanticism... he only think highly of future instead of any commemorable days... so his expend always is for pragmatic and not on gift and present~sweat!!! So I had used on it that no have any suprise from him~ >.< (some time his thinking are right and reasonable, saving for future and prepare for the rainy day is better than everything~ how consideration he been!) Night time we went to Chinatown ate steamboat~ but the shop served not really good, little foods for choose and tasteless~ +.+ however, we still ate till very very full~ hehe... Now... I'm falling sick~ fever, headache and whole body ache~~~ ChAm.............@_________@
Thursday, February 12, 2009
sLeepy dAy
woke up early today~
to prepare lovely breakfast for my dear & sister~
bread with ham and fried egg~ *o*
such simple but yummy taste~
but now so sleepy -(
recently woke up at around 6 or 6.20am~
(to avoid bump against with housemate to use toilet, so I choose woke up early better than get late and rush~)
then at office feel very boring and sien on my routine work~
a heap of messy paper work...wholly company document are pass to me to done it~wtf...
But on meeting, my boss has mentioned that he knew I'm a good and hardworking worker, so he will work on our extra bonus to repay my expend~Hopefully he will fulfill his promises~ ^o^
Then at home, still have to tidy-up my room, done all household duties~ thanks dear for helping me done some, if not~cham!!!
dunno why... even I very very tired but I still very difficult to fall asleep too~
my face look so sallow, black eye circle become dark to darken~
Oh my god...how ugly am I~
woke up early today~
to prepare lovely breakfast for my dear & sister~
bread with ham and fried egg~ *o*
such simple but yummy taste~
but now so sleepy -(
recently woke up at around 6 or 6.20am~
(to avoid bump against with housemate to use toilet, so I choose woke up early better than get late and rush~)
then at office feel very boring and sien on my routine work~
a heap of messy paper work...wholly company document are pass to me to done it~wtf...
But on meeting, my boss has mentioned that he knew I'm a good and hardworking worker, so he will work on our extra bonus to repay my expend~Hopefully he will fulfill his promises~ ^o^
Then at home, still have to tidy-up my room, done all household duties~ thanks dear for helping me done some, if not~cham!!!
dunno why... even I very very tired but I still very difficult to fall asleep too~
my face look so sallow, black eye circle become dark to darken~
Oh my god...how ugly am I~
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Last few days my dear suggested celebrate my birthday at Pulau Redang this year~ then I very surprise and excited so started seek for price and planning on it~
Yesterday still be very happy on planning and discussion~
but then today have to call cancel it because of ill-timed! =='
In fact, I knew I wont have chance to celebrate my birthday at there~ because 清明节 every year is same month with my birthday at April.
My family definitely wont allow me travel during on this terrible period~ my family are very taboo on 清明节& 农历七月so there is not have any activities compulsory for this duration. So postpone just will be do~haiz.z.z.z
Even if there are some disappointed but my dear brighten me with others celebration~ so may be just wait and see what surprise will him bring to me~ ;p
Beside of this, we also discuss about our celebration on Valentine day. Firstly is plan to Genting but still have others programs appear in a flash~ having candle-light dinner at home with DVD show, sing-k at Redbox, watch movie and divert at JB, go for seafood, etc... since so many programs in queue, make choice at that time better may as well~
This is the 3rd valentine day we going to celebrate it, hope there will be another sweet memory in our mind~^o*
Yesterday still be very happy on planning and discussion~
but then today have to call cancel it because of ill-timed! =='
In fact, I knew I wont have chance to celebrate my birthday at there~ because 清明节 every year is same month with my birthday at April.
My family definitely wont allow me travel during on this terrible period~ my family are very taboo on 清明节& 农历七月so there is not have any activities compulsory for this duration. So postpone just will be do~haiz.z.z.z
Even if there are some disappointed but my dear brighten me with others celebration~ so may be just wait and see what surprise will him bring to me~ ;p
Beside of this, we also discuss about our celebration on Valentine day. Firstly is plan to Genting but still have others programs appear in a flash~ having candle-light dinner at home with DVD show, sing-k at Redbox, watch movie and divert at JB, go for seafood, etc... since so many programs in queue, make choice at that time better may as well~
This is the 3rd valentine day we going to celebrate it, hope there will be another sweet memory in our mind~^o*
Monday, February 9, 2009
Today is the day of the 15Th of the 1st lunar month, mean it's last day of lunar new year too!
Lunar new year were end with successful soon, and life going back to as normal too~
So, have to clear away all holiday mood and be concentrate on work now onwards~sigh!!!
As we said regularly, happy moment always past so fast~haiz.z.z.zz...
However, today is the big day of Chinese traditional day! Grand celebration is definitely and dumplings is compulsory~No matter how, must dress up and pamper our self with delicacies indispensable! ^o^ Wish all the best and happy go lucky all the time!!!Cheers...
And the moonlight on this "niu" year is the most round, bright and clear since 52years! Wow, definitely cant miss out this magnificent sight tonight! So excited and look forward it~
May the Ox bring more luck, health and wealth to all of us!!!Cheers~
Lunar new year were end with successful soon, and life going back to as normal too~
So, have to clear away all holiday mood and be concentrate on work now onwards~sigh!!!
As we said regularly, happy moment always past so fast~haiz.z.z.zz...
However, today is the big day of Chinese traditional day! Grand celebration is definitely and dumplings is compulsory~No matter how, must dress up and pamper our self with delicacies indispensable! ^o^ Wish all the best and happy go lucky all the time!!!Cheers...
And the moonlight on this "niu" year is the most round, bright and clear since 52years! Wow, definitely cant miss out this magnificent sight tonight! So excited and look forward it~
May the Ox bring more luck, health and wealth to all of us!!!Cheers~
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
haiz... totally moodily today~sigh!!!
whole day never received call and text from you~
even I had try called you few time and sent you few texts~
but then you only received 1 of my call and reply the only 1 text back to me~
I knew, you're angry on me~ dissatisfied and discontented with my advise~but...
Dear, I'm only showing my concern, my care and my love to you~
not the mean as you said wanna control of you~
Do you knew how much important you're for me?
Do you knew how much I care about you much than anythings...anyone?
Can you sincere feel my love and care without jump to wrong conclusion?
I knew am not good skill on talk, action and showing my love and care to anyone,
but you're my darling~ isn't you should more comprehend on me?
Anyway, I'm not forcing you quit smoke, just hope you can less it~
Sincerely don't wish to have any friction between us~even if it's tiny clash also don't wish to let it appear, because don't wish to let it scrape our love to each other!
Darling, is you the only one to decide my frame of my mind~
I wish to be happily forever and ever, can you do that for me?
Let's work hard together, OK?
Love you so much~mUaCk!!!
haiz... totally moodily today~sigh!!!
whole day never received call and text from you~
even I had try called you few time and sent you few texts~
but then you only received 1 of my call and reply the only 1 text back to me~
I knew, you're angry on me~ dissatisfied and discontented with my advise~but...
Dear, I'm only showing my concern, my care and my love to you~
not the mean as you said wanna control of you~
Do you knew how much important you're for me?
Do you knew how much I care about you much than anythings...anyone?
Can you sincere feel my love and care without jump to wrong conclusion?
I knew am not good skill on talk, action and showing my love and care to anyone,
but you're my darling~ isn't you should more comprehend on me?
Anyway, I'm not forcing you quit smoke, just hope you can less it~
Sincerely don't wish to have any friction between us~even if it's tiny clash also don't wish to let it appear, because don't wish to let it scrape our love to each other!
Darling, is you the only one to decide my frame of my mind~
I wish to be happily forever and ever, can you do that for me?
Let's work hard together, OK?
Love you so much~mUaCk!!!
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