今天一大清早就下雨,所以我搭巴士去上班! 我的心情也受天气影响, 超想睡觉哦! @____@ 路上很塞车, 巴士里很拥挤, 幸运的我还找到位置...yeah!!! 原本紧闭双眼休息, 因为某人的推撞而睁开, 看见一位马来学生很着急的在找东西! 他挤在人群里, 跪下双膝往地下找... 拥挤的人群却没人让出空间, 也没人理会更没人慰问~ 他样子很可怜, 看他很失望的下车, 应该没找回失物! 我很了解他的心情, 失去东西真的非常难过!!!
我在想, 怎么新加坡人会这么自私? 不是说新加坡人很有善心的吗? 怎么在该看见他们伸出援手时却怎么找也找不到呢? 记得之前我到深圳旅行时, 我到处问路时却没人肯理我的那刻起, 我就非常讨厌中国人因为他们太自私了, 不帮忙反而投我们异光, 好像我会骗走他们的钱财似的, 唉!!! 结果有一次在新加坡因为走错方向所以找不到目的地, 因为方向感很差的我就唯有向路人询问, 结果还是遭到拒绝, 真的很气!!! 是我长得丑所以他们才不帮我还是真的很自私呢?! 可是新加坡的老人却不一样, 他们很亲切也很慈祥... 比起这里的年轻人, 他们真的是100%的好人... 而年轻人就明显的是100%自私鬼~
最近也发现我的同事也很自私, 当他们要我帮这忙那时就会称呼我小妹前小妹后的, 可是当我有事请他们帮忙时就会受到他们的排斥~ 为什么会这样子?! 我自问待人不薄, 对任何人我都不吝啬, 帮得上忙的我都会帮... 可是为什么却没人肯帮我呢?! 不是说好心会有好报吗? 我看是好人死得早就有啦~ 坦白说, 对身边的人...事...物...我都看开了~ 太过在乎只会带给自己太多伤害!!!! 还是活在自己的世界里才不会吃亏, 所以我偶尔也要当自私鬼... 不再当人家的蠢瓜!!!
p/s: 如果全部人都怕吃亏, 那么哪里还会有好人呢?! 唉... 真的很难做人!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
星期六的我, 超级糊涂~
早上掉sim card, 晚上掉钱...
我忙着买食物, 做好准备等待给友人惊奇...
就绪一切, 把朋友们给我的钱乱塞在口袋里...
就开始与朋友们哈啦聊天, 什么都不理了~
真的好伤心哦... :'( :'( :'( :'(
现在还这么倒霉... 我放声大哭!!!
心真的很痛... 很痛... 很痛... 很痛...
早上在JB时已掉了sim card, 但还好找回了...
没想到晚上又掉钱, 还找不回了~ 真的气死我了!!!
我的财物, 以后我会好好爱你们... 珍惜你们...
Friday, April 24, 2009
Home Bank Loan
Recently busy on apply for home loan... we had been wait for the news about 3weeks le but right now still waiting and pending as what we get the result from 1st and 2nd bank were very disappointed. Firstly was CIMB only approved 80% loan for us as the reason was we very young and the bank policy insist approved 80% even the bank consultants ever try to contact head office. Is very disappointed lar but really no choice so we wait for HSBC as well. (Lucky that time we apply for 2 bank in the same time)
But, again another shock we get from HSBC. They only approved 75% and the reason was the property is under services property so HSBC unable provide 90% loan for now. How disappointed! I very worry and be anxious on it, as I hope can move in to new homier on June. Now already end of the April, we left less time to do renovation and others. So I called the property agent, try to talk nicely to him but he really make me fed-up. He keep asking me don't worry, everything will be fine. But then we already wasted so much time, he still asking me give him some time to work on it. So I raise my voice and talk to him, if still unable to solve this problems then i would like to call cancel for the unit (of coz I not really want to cancel lar, just try to scare them and see whether they will take action or not).
Indeed, now they work hard on our case. And 3 banker called us and we will having 3 appointment tomorrow, Eon bank, Maybank and AmBank. (see, after flare up then they just will work... actually I don't like to do feedback or complain but if dint do that, nobody will take action~ sigh... how come har?!)
Whatever, just hopefully this round application can be successful. God, please blesssssssss.....
But, again another shock we get from HSBC. They only approved 75% and the reason was the property is under services property so HSBC unable provide 90% loan for now. How disappointed! I very worry and be anxious on it, as I hope can move in to new homier on June. Now already end of the April, we left less time to do renovation and others. So I called the property agent, try to talk nicely to him but he really make me fed-up. He keep asking me don't worry, everything will be fine. But then we already wasted so much time, he still asking me give him some time to work on it. So I raise my voice and talk to him, if still unable to solve this problems then i would like to call cancel for the unit (of coz I not really want to cancel lar, just try to scare them and see whether they will take action or not).
Indeed, now they work hard on our case. And 3 banker called us and we will having 3 appointment tomorrow, Eon bank, Maybank and AmBank. (see, after flare up then they just will work... actually I don't like to do feedback or complain but if dint do that, nobody will take action~ sigh... how come har?!)
Whatever, just hopefully this round application can be successful. God, please blesssssssss.....
Thursday, April 23, 2009
近来天气很热, 我的火气也很大~
心情很糟, 很暴躁, 常发脾气~
我也搞不清楚状况, 一点小事就很生气~
就很"pek chek", 很"mang zang"~
连我自己也很讨厌现在的我... :<
现在他也很包容我, 体谅我...
不然我早就完蛋了!!! :p
很烦... 很烦... 我很烦!!!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
其实牙痛有一段日子了, 但每次都痛一阵就没事所以都不理它~
原本打算有回太平才抽时间去弄它的, 但它却在前天发威了...
好像非把我整死不得, 痛死我了啦!!!
花了$120补一颗牙, 不但没好转反而更痛~
读书期间也有补过牙, 影像中并不会很痛~
真的超级恐怖, 那时的我很害怕, 眼泪也流了下来~
那牙医应该是冷血的吧, 竟然没停下来还死命的继续...
我无法忍受就捏了他, 他应该也很痛所以停了一会再继续... xp
结果补好了还是痛, 那牙医说要做Root Canal Therapy才行...
整个费用大约要新币八百多耶~ 差点晕过去, 害我冒冷汗 =='
花了这么多钱还是痛, 真是的... 现在牙痛心又痛啊啊啊!!!
原本讨了两天假要好好休息, 但收到同事的简讯说公司有点忙
所以我还是乖乖回来了!!! 结果真的是很忙的咯...
当老板关心问我的时候, 她们就像哈巴狗一样假惺惺关心我~
哼... 真是越来越受不了这些老AUNTY~
不帮就算, 我自己还应付得来~
只是以后休想要我再帮你们这些没良心的家伙!!!! Blek...
p/s: 我就是这种性格的人, 对我好的人当然我会双倍奉还, 对我坏的人理所当然也会加倍以牙换牙!!!
Monday, April 20, 2009
时间过得很快, 又一个周末过去了...
今天又是~ Monday blue
星期六, 一早与老友去晨跑...
她啊, 要约她是很难的... 因为她很"忙"
最近都没睡得好, 原本打算要好好在家休息...
跑完步还去吃早餐, 然后就在她组屋楼下聊天~
还打了长途电话去作弄一位老友, 哈哈... 好坏哦我们~
那天聊了很多, 虽然很累... 但真的很开心!!!
好久都没像这样了, 仿佛回到了过去~ 真的很怀念!!!
下午天气很热, 回到家也快三点了, 冲了凉就睡了...
dear放工回来也没叫醒我, 直到晚上七点多才起来吃晚餐!
吃了dear煮的意大利面就在家看戏咯... 一天就酱过了~~
星期日, 九点半就醒了~ 照常的和dear去JB~
一样的, 去了同样的地方, 吃了同样的早餐~
虽然生活平凡无味, 但我们已习惯了这一切一切~
吃了早餐就去银行, 真的很讨厌...
结果就在那等了蛮久... 处理好一切就回家了!!
天气好热哦, 冲了凉休息一会儿又去IMM~
其实真的很想待在家不出门的, 因为太阳很大叻~
可是没办法要去M1 shop取消broadband户口~
弄好一切就去五姐家拿汤, 然后就回家煮饭吃咯~
累了整天, 终于有得躺在床好好休息了~
Thursday, April 16, 2009
I'm fat
真的很懊恼 >.<
我就是这样, 从没坚持过
所以从小到大都没瘦过 =(
昨晚还和dear去吃KFC =p
就只我们两人吃了这bargain deal ;p
厉害吧?! 哈哈哈哈...
好好吃哦... 感觉像很久没吃了
我当然没忘啦... 朋友为我办的庆生会嘛
只是我每次说的很久都是不久的啦 :p
糟糕了啦... 真的不敢去量体重了...
就现在开始... 要加油减肥!!!
加油~ 加油~ 加油!!!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Good Friday
(话虽如此, 但还是很... sad :< )
可能dear看出我的心事吧, 他就一直在跟我闹着玩... 才不至于那么悲~ 但他是有点过分, 弄得我又气又恨又爱的... =='
最令我感动的是, dear竟然起得了床... 还煮了面线汤给我吃~
好开心... 好兴奋... 好幸福哦... :D:D:D:D:D
这天是假期也是我的农历生日~ 好有纪念性的日子哦!!!
假期当然不必上班, 但dear就没那么好命了~
他做工, 我就做猪... 哈哈!!!
睡到大概十二点才起床 (像猪吧?! 哈哈... )
要不是有任务在身... 真的很想躺在床不起来耶!!! ;p
那个灰尘hor... 哇, 真的是够恶心的咯~ 真的想不通到底是怎样来的... haizzzzz
打扫完毕就自个儿去Jurong point帮dear的同事买满月蛋糕的voucher~
我并不喜欢独自一人去走街, 所以买完东西就回家了~
老天真疼我... 等我回到家了才下大雨, 不然我就变落汤鸡了... :)
整个下午就对着电脑...上线下线的...一直在等停雨, 蛮无聊的~
因为晚上会去庆祝生日... 所以就祈祷别再持续下了~
果然时间差不多要到时就停雨了~ 谢谢老天爷!!!
果然没介绍错, 那里的气氛和食物都很棒!!!
假期当然不必上班, 但dear就没那么好命了~
他做工, 我就做猪... 哈哈!!!
睡到大概十二点才起床 (像猪吧?! 哈哈... )
要不是有任务在身... 真的很想躺在床不起来耶!!! ;p
那个灰尘hor... 哇, 真的是够恶心的咯~ 真的想不通到底是怎样来的... haizzzzz
打扫完毕就自个儿去Jurong point帮dear的同事买满月蛋糕的voucher~
我并不喜欢独自一人去走街, 所以买完东西就回家了~
老天真疼我... 等我回到家了才下大雨, 不然我就变落汤鸡了... :)
整个下午就对着电脑...上线下线的...一直在等停雨, 蛮无聊的~
因为晚上会去庆祝生日... 所以就祈祷别再持续下了~
果然时间差不多要到时就停雨了~ 谢谢老天爷!!!
果然没介绍错, 那里的气氛和食物都很棒!!!
美食当前, 我要开动咯~
各式各样的美食, 琳琅满目
dear吃了说: 赞 :)
Let's cheersssss
在那足足吃了两小时, 吃到再也装不下了才离开~
那感觉... ... 一级棒!!!
虽然很累但这天还是起得很早, 因为约了银行顾问讨论有关房屋贷款的手续~
这天的天气超热的, 热到快死掉了啦~@___@
谈妥好一切就回家了, 天气热得要命... 还是躲在家比较舒服!!!
结果我们就做猪, 四点多睡到晚上八点才起来吃晚餐... 哈哈!!!
吃过晚餐就在家看戏喝茶聊天~ 好享受哦!!!
因为没睡意所以就一直看戏到凌晨四点才睡~ 快要成为猫头鹰的伴了... heeeheee~
p/s: 凌晨十二点钟的生日祝福信息, 是从远方的 "她" 送来的~ 好惊喜哦! 真的非常感谢她的心意~
这晚的信息就只有那区区的一封, 是有点失望和悲哀啦~ 但还好啦, 也没关系啦... 毕竟都长大了, 朋友们都很忙吧!!! (话虽如此, 但还是很... sad :< )
可能dear看出我的心事吧, 他就一直在跟我闹着玩... 才不至于那么悲~ 但他是有点过分, 弄得我又气又恨又爱的... =='
12.04.2009 Sunday
这天是我的生日叻, 祝我生日快乐... 梦想成真!!! :D
昨晚很夜很夜才入睡, 可是今天一大早就起身了...最令我感动的是, dear竟然起得了床... 还煮了面线汤给我吃~
好开心... 好兴奋... 好幸福哦... :D:D:D:D:D
dear煮的爱心早餐 ^^
吃过早餐就与Oscar约会, 好久没与她见面了... 好期待好想她哦...
还好今天都没塞车, 很快的就到达了JB, City Square~
首先, 先去旺角茶餐厅吃东西... 这的食物也很不赖哦~
Oscar~enjoying her soup
Dear~ drink big cup of hot tea ^^
me~drink lime juice
独一无二的手机吊饰~ thanks Oscar!!!
吃过了午餐, 我们就去Neway唱K...
谢谢Oscar, 还买蛋糕让我许愿吹蜡烛
me & dArling ^o^
拍下MV作纪念, 但却只拍到一半 :(
Dear & Oscar, thank you so much for given me a memorable and joyful birthday!!! Really appreciate and touched... And thanks again to all my beloved friends and family for all the wishes!!! Love you all so much....... muack!!!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
supposed to be feel very happy as my birthday and long weekend coming~
good and nice mood on this sunshine day as well~
but mood spoil after received "his" call... wtfffffff
"He" only will remember me when he be disgruntled with his gf~
"He" only will call me when he want to pour out his woes~
Expectable, again the similar situation... haizzzzzzzz
sincerely, I had put our past in behind and treat him as friend~
but it's a pity, he only will remember me on above situation~
and every time the conversation almost are the same and mostly all about his and his gf~
how their life going on, how he treat good to his gf but her not really appreciate and keep argue with him, how unjustifiable and unreasonable she been~
I really cant understand what is the point he told me all of those bull-shit... I had nothing to do with it all as well~ really fed-up with it all ... f**k!!!!
And this time, I think he can sense that I'm be fidgety (coz i dint answer and talk much to him, just response "erm...oh...then..." to him) so less than 5mins ring off right away~
5mins fed-up damage my whole day nice mood~wat the hell....
shitttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt :@
good and nice mood on this sunshine day as well~
but mood spoil after received "his" call... wtfffffff
"He" only will remember me when he be disgruntled with his gf~
"He" only will call me when he want to pour out his woes~
Expectable, again the similar situation... haizzzzzzzz
sincerely, I had put our past in behind and treat him as friend~
but it's a pity, he only will remember me on above situation~
and every time the conversation almost are the same and mostly all about his and his gf~
how their life going on, how he treat good to his gf but her not really appreciate and keep argue with him, how unjustifiable and unreasonable she been~
I really cant understand what is the point he told me all of those bull-shit... I had nothing to do with it all as well~ really fed-up with it all ... f**k!!!!
And this time, I think he can sense that I'm be fidgety (coz i dint answer and talk much to him, just response "erm...oh...then..." to him) so less than 5mins ring off right away~
5mins fed-up damage my whole day nice mood~wat the hell....
shitttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt :@
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
当走到停车场那时, Dear突然想起什么的,
打开一看, 里面有四对耳环.
我很惊喜, 一直问为什么买这个给我~
他说不当它是生日礼物, 那就当是他买给我戴的!
Dear, 我不是嫌弃它哦!!!只是非常好奇和惊喜~
每次要买东西送我, 你都是带我亲自去选购的~
而且今年的礼物, 你早就说好要等到搬进新家才买...
我真的开心到... ... 无话可形容!!! :D
你说这东西很便宜而已, 不必这么开心~
Dear, 价值并不重要... 重要的是你的诚心!!!
我感觉得到你的心意, 真的很开心很感动! Thanks...
Darling, I Love U so much~~~ muAck....
Sunday, April 5, 2009
第一人生目标 - 梦想之家
订购了我们的安乐窝~ SuriaMas Suites. :)
好兴奋... 好有成就感哦... 哈哈!!!
这公寓的面积大约1000平方英尺, 3房式和拥有个宽阔的客厅
(但厨房蛮小的). 价钱蛮漂亮的~ RM218,800 ;p ^^
虽然这价钱足以拥有双层独立式, 但论地点和治安却让我止步~
最终还是选了这私人公寓~ 有泳池还有保安...
然后才去签S&P Agreement。
然后可以尽早拿锁匙, 那就可以早点装修~
早点与dear搬进安乐窝, 享有二人世界了~ 哈哈!!!
好高兴... 好兴奋... 好感动哦...
走到楼下, dear拖着我的手走向另一方...
原来一班朋友已在楼下布满惊喜, 提早为我庆生!
这种心情... 这种感觉... 无语可以形容~
谢谢大家!!! 真的很感激... 很感动.......................
dear & me ^^谢谢你们所带来的惊喜 (",)
Carlorino Bag ~ from Anny, sHerLey & Moon
Blouse from dream jEnny
搞到我都快哭了!!! ;p
fRieNdsHip fOrEvEr *o*
走到楼下, dear拖着我的手走向另一方...
原来一班朋友已在楼下布满惊喜, 提早为我庆生!
这种心情... 这种感觉... 无语可以形容~
谢谢大家!!! 真的很感激... 很感动.......................
dear & me ^^谢谢你们所带来的惊喜 (",)
Carlorino Bag ~ from Anny, sHerLey & Moon
Blouse from dream jEnny
搞到我都快哭了!!! ;p
fRieNdsHip fOrEvEr *o*
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