Thursday, February 23, 2012

Bid Farewell

My colleague, our champion/top sales girl decided to leave us and guess what... she announced it to us on "nian 28" and make all of suffer and sad during CNY. =( This day 17/2/12 was her last day in our company. Be frank I cant believe it since the day we knew as she get back home so high pay and my boss so sayang her and so on..... until this day!! I been forced to accept this true ='(

5years we been work together, gone thru a lot of good and bad time together. From the beginning bad relationship become to these day close friendship, I really felt sad to let her go. But no choice, because of some politics and human being, I have to understand her and let her go.

(p/s: may be soon else I will be the third one cause another so called new colleague planning to leave soon... sienz)

Well, let's have last group photo in office. As boss quoted, life still have to move on no matter what's happening. Cheers!!!

After work, we went for a farewell dinner at Park Royal Hotel.

A lot of yummy foods to choose
the buffer is about $40+++ per person.

After foods, open gift session. Both presents from Boss and our accountant, who didn't joined us for dinner.

And myself present her a cup with our lovely photo print. ^^ Before she unwrap, all of them guessing what is inside and I so hao lian to answer : something will make her touched!! Indeed, her tears drop when saw it and hug me so tight. Haaahaa =P

Present just a tough, but the wished is best regards from heart!! All the Best, friend~~

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


周末, 老公心血来潮约我看电影
我的反应是: 即刻online订票去
(p/s: 我怕他会改变主意~~ 哈哈 =P)
当然也没忘了扮靓靓出门啦~~ 嘻嘻 ^^

这一集的Ghost Rider超好笑的~~
尤其是救火器的那部分, 笑死我!!! xD

散场后, 我们没有直接回家,

虽然是很平凡的一天, 但却过得很满意!! ^o^

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My Valentine♥

嘿嘿~~ 没想到今年还有得庆祝情人节哦 ^^


赶快冲好凉, 准备出门去咯

来到久违的StoneGrill吃我们最爱的铁板烧 ^^

开动前, 来张照留念 ^^


还点了Tom Yam & Salad
味道依然保持水准, 好好吃哦 ^o^

吃饱后, 便来随意乱拍 =P
自从有了Ethan, 我就很少拍老公了
所以现在, 他还蛮乐意的让我拍~~ 哈哈

(p/s: hmmm, 越看越像Etahn咧. 是我太想ah b还是他们真的像??)

last but not least, yours truly ^^

Wishing you all a Happy Valentine's Day ('',)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

情 ♥ 人 ♥ 节 ♥ 快 ♥ 乐♥

希望大家有个快乐美好的一天哦 ^^
哈哈 ^o^

Monday, February 13, 2012


最后决定, 试一试煮菜尾啦~~~ 哈哈

两小时后, 够酸够辣很够味的菜尾可以上桌咯 ^^
Yeah!!! 我的第一次, 成功!! (^V^)

Friday, February 10, 2012

龙新年:: 初三 ♥与家婆拜年 & 朋友新屋入伙♥

初三一早, 我们又在店里哈拉了整半天才回家婆家拜年。
看他这副表情是不是很欠扁? =P

家婆这天傍晚才上班, 所以我们便有多点时间与她聊天见面。但ah B很beh xi tiam, 坐没一会儿就动来动去, 眼睛一直望向门口, 他要去gai gai料。 ==

爱孙心切的婆婆, 唯有想尽办法找东西给她的爱孙玩。
Nor~~ 给他一大瓶的冰冷水, 他就静静地玩料。LOL

玩到腻了, 我就把他丢在沙发上, 给他自由玩动。
很喜欢看他穿color sharp的衣服, 看起来很白也很leng zai~~ 哈哈 ^^

爸爸一带他走近大门, 你看他的手 ==' 捉着不放~~

爸爸唯有出绝招跟他玩, 抛上又抛下的~ yooo
Ah B最喜欢他爸爸酱子跟他玩了!! 汗!!!

玩够了, 心情好了, 也可以拍照咯。
这是Ethan与婆婆的第一张合照 ^^

这张子孙婆的照片, 有没有很像脸?! :)

这, 也是我第一次与家婆拍照哦 =D
其实我家婆很清秀的, 人也很soft~~
你猜得出她几岁吗?? 哈哈

告别了家婆, 我顺道去老友家拜年下。嘻嘻 ^^
(如果没有顺道的话, 我想下次很难配合到时间见面咯 =P)
刚睡醒的Ethan, 很配合地一起拍照留念。 XD

新年的天气真的很热啊!!! 虽然Ah b没有lao gai了, 但我怕爸爸lao gai (因为他已经hint我很累的样子了) 所以还是识相点, 赶快回家休息了~ 哈哈 =P

ah B回到家就很开心了,
因为看到他心爱的玛玛还有温暖的床。 =)

跟爸爸一样, 很爱大字型赖床~~

这小孩真是我们的心肝宝贝啊!!! =)

看他古灵精怪的样子, beh tahan!!! ^^



她瘦瘦小小的, 显示了我和Ethan很大只!! 哈哈~ Blekkk

在离别前, 赶快与Nicole & 琦琦合照一张~ =)
Nicole是我中学同学. 没想到我们可以有缘到一起当妈妈, 孩子年龄只差四天而已哦~~ 但是她的女儿很斯文, 我儿子啊~ 看他整只手塞进嘴巴吃的样, 就知道有多粗鲁咯~~ 哇卡卡!!!

一直往外跑的一天, 虽然很累, 但见了很久不见的朋友, 还和家婆聊得很多很多, 再累, 心还是满足的。。。 =D