Wednesday, August 29, 2012

happy MC days

My leg pain for quite some times already and I did spend quite a lot of money on medical too but the pain just cant get away unless I took medicine on time. Sigh!!! =="
I really pray hard and hope that after this all and I do not need to take long period medicine anymore on next check-up.

On the other hand, I thankful for the long mc days as I can spend more happy times with my family and beloved son =D. (But felt sorry to hubby to let him spend the long weekend with lonely.. LOL)

Ethan is learning to walk before he turn 1year old. And now he can walk few steps without any help already (clap for him ^^).

p/s: Sis bring him to cut botak again to let his hair grow more even and nice. I find he super cutie on botak look.. hahaha

He is a very good laughter since born and now even
kua zhang for sometimes. He can just follow to laugh and so loud when see us chit-chat (is very true to said so, people laugh know he laugh dont know. keke) And sometime we also cant tahan not to laugh when see he keep "haha haha" LOL

And he is a little
ba wang at home now. Always like to grab phone and want to talk but too bad, he pandai act only!! hehe..

and of coz getting more and more naughty too. The new trick he play now:
geh geh cry and lay on floor to seek for sympathetic when can't get what he wants or getting scold.

p/s: I really damn
geram this gong tao zai...

Triple clarify, Ethan is a BOY!!! LOL
Sis keep scold me to see he wear this jumper!! Honestly, I dint noticed it's Minnie but I just get attracted by the sharp red color and I straight to bought it.

Indeed, Ethan just look good in this wear right?

most of the days we were just stay at home as I cant walk much. But I feel boring after 3days and decided to bring Ethan to Sentral see see and look look. =D We're here to enjoyed with tutti fruitti and sushi king.
See~~ my lovely son was so excited!!

On the last day, we went to Kampong Boyan's temple to pray and watch 游行. Ethan like to pray so much and he very happy yet a bit scare when listen the dong dong qiang...

No matter where he go, people will definitely give him foods to eat because he will show you, the very ho jiak's face!! hahaha....

because of Ethan, we get all of this!! hahaha~~
everyone also stop down to give him a candy + a little po mong on his cheek!! hehehe...

I really enjoyed this long MC days with all my beloved. And now, I have to wait for at least 1 month time to go back and enjoy with them again. How wish time can just flies and......... tomorrow is Mid Austen Day =D

Friday, August 3, 2012


近期踩了狗屎运, 连续一个月接二连三的这里痛那里不舒服。=(

首先胃痛了整个星期, 吃什么吐什么, 不吃又晕到根本不能动.. 药吃了又吃, 医生看了又看, 还一度被很多人怀疑有喜了! 最终很感恩, 我并没有怀孕 :) 是胃酸的问题啦!!

胃这里比较好了之后, 马上我的脚又出现问题。(其实脚板在胃痛前就开始隐隐作痛了但我没加与理会)

剧痛来得很突然, 还肿了呢! 痛到我... 真的欲哭无泪。T_T 身边很多人都说是尿酸问题但是验血报告出来却不是! 医生说或许是药物敏感。虽然吃了止痛药还是一样痛, 但至少没那么担心~~

可是过了两天, 我突然半夜发高烧, 颈部也很痛。我心里真的感到很害怕, 我知道一定哪里出了问题! 我抱着病回公司处理上星期累积的工作然后安排一切妥定便赶紧回太平看专科。

全身检查报告出来显示: 除了糖尿, 其余的都没问题。严重的是, 体内的关节发炎读数是100 (正常为1-20), 所以才会这里痛那里痛 ='(

医生说骨头会发炎是很稀奇的事但是近来也蛮多人中招的! 主要原因可能是之前生病没把Antibiotic的份量给吃完导致体内的细菌生殖, 造成好坏细菌混乱所以在里头乱打仗 @@ (好像很儿戏但我的确每次生病都没有把antibiotic吃完的习惯 ==')

除了花五百块看西医, 当然还跑去问神拜拜啦~~ 突然这么多毛病家人都很担心我是不是huan tio.. 哈哈!! 但还好没事, 只不过体内太热了, 作月的风也还没消哦!! (怪不得瘦不下来啦 =P) 所以开了几帖中药, 吃了就会没事woh.....

我回来工作的第三天而已, 我的脚又作痛了啦!!!

Oh my god!!! 到底是怎样啊!?? T_T