Wednesday, April 22, 2009


其实牙痛有一段日子了, 但每次都痛一阵就没事所以都不理它~
原本打算有回太平才抽时间去弄它的, 但它却在前天发威了...
好像非把我整死不得, 痛死我了啦!!!
花了$120补一颗牙, 不但没好转反而更痛~
读书期间也有补过牙, 影像中并不会很痛~
真的超级恐怖, 那时的我很害怕, 眼泪也流了下来~
那牙医应该是冷血的吧, 竟然没停下来还死命的继续...
我无法忍受就捏了他, 他应该也很痛所以停了一会再继续... xp
结果补好了还是痛, 那牙医说要做Root Canal Therapy才行...
整个费用大约要新币八百多耶~ 差点晕过去, 害我冒冷汗 =='
花了这么多钱还是痛, 真是的... 现在牙痛心又痛啊啊!!!
原本讨了两天假要好好休息, 但收到同事的简讯说公司有点忙
所以我还是乖乖回来了!!! 结果真的是很忙的咯...
她们竟然没帮我处理该处理的工作... %#@*&%$%#$$%@
当老板关心问我的时候, 她们就像哈巴狗一样假惺惺关心我~
哼... 真是越来越受不了这些老AUNTY~
不帮就算, 我自己还应付得来~
只是以后休想要我再帮你们这些没良心的家伙!!!! Blek...
p/s: 我就是这种性格的人, 对我好的人当然我会双倍奉还, 对我坏的人理所当然也会加倍以牙换牙!!!


Hayley said...

sigh.. toothache is the most troublesome one.. that is why its important to keep our teeth clean!

EveLyn said...

haiz... i will cut down all candy, dessert and ice-cream nowonwards...
(but only cut down at nite time xp)

jenny said...

i think u wan eat at nite oso no problem la!!!
but must brush ur teeth~~
i knew teethache vyvy cham~
last yr i oso met this problem~
then straight away take it away~
anyway~ u must take k ya!!!
miss u~
p/s: ur p/s true? but i only can saw u so sayang ur colleagues ^O^
blek Xp

EveLyn said...

wahaha...yaya, must brush teeth...
now me every nite also work hard to brush before go to slp le~ ;p
my p/s eh... i also duno leh...
my dear said when me angry tat time just will say that oh... after clam down then i will be fine le~ wahahaha!!!
however,ur survey urself lar~ after that just let me know~ XD
anyway, thanks!!!

jenny said...

i agree wif ur dear!!!!
u only will say tat when u super angry~
but after that u will 4got all~
seem like ntg happened~