Sunday, April 11, 2010

Another Suprise Day ^.^

早上九点钟就被dear的手机闹钟吵醒, 我很好奇! 他从来都不会放闹钟的耶~ 再过了半小时, 他叫我起床打扮美美要出街去. 我就知道有古怪了, 当然我没拆穿, 就赶紧去打扮啦~ 结果等了又等, 十一点钟了他自己还在睡觉... (吼) 我都快饿扁了啦~ 然后我就到厨房找吃的了... 一走到客厅, 后面就传来了生日歌, 原来一伙人带来了惊喜!!! 我又被吓到, 真的很惊喜... 赶紧跑进厨房洗手出来切蛋糕咯。。。。。。

Happy Birthday to Me~

Wish me ALL THE BEST!!!

Thanks to u all~

dear & me

taken with presents

wishes from beloved friends~
Touched & appreciated

They got me MP5~ cool men

another present from best friend, soo wah
gucci wallet and the blessing card *touched*

at mee hoon kueh's shop
yummy mee hoon kueh

After ate, we all just lepak there......

gals and me

guys and me~
EW是从新特地进来与我庆祝的, 而AP也赶时间要走人了, 所以大家吃过了午餐就散band. 虽然是简单的庆祝但我还真的很感激和感谢他们!! 虽然有点误会和不愉快的地方, 但我希望就真的是误会然后解释过就没事~ 希望真的可以愿望成真吧!!
下午就与dear俩人去唱K~ 其实生日就是要快乐的嘛, 况且我还有他... 看照片去吧~

刚装修好的Redbox, 好美哦!

Cheer up, babe~

must happy happy

dear and me
To: Darling, thank you so much for the surprises, presents and celebrations... I'm very very happy and enjoyed it!!! 1 birthday but you got me so much surprises, presents and celebrations... Really touched and appreciated what u had done for me... I love u forever and ever!!! muAck... Thank You!!! :D
To: All friends, thanks for remember my big day~ Thanks for the wishes, surprises, presents, celebrations~ AND, thanks for giving me a memorable days~ Really appreciated & touched!!!

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