Monday, June 28, 2010

Lunch @ Blu Jaz Café

最近常常与AC一起出外用餐, office里的politic实在令人很纳闷~
所以我们就lunch out, 顺便透透气, 以助消化~哈哈
JC今天心情不好, 便要与我们一起出外透气~
原本是要去吃鱼片汤的, 但因为客满所以便到别处去...
JC很厉害寻美食的, 便带我们来到Blu Jaz Cafe享受一下!

Blu Jaz Cafe的外观


AC enjoying the borsch soup

JC and me

fish set lunch for me and AC

chicken set lunch for JC

coffee for me~ *thumb up*

small cake as dessert, nice!!!
这一客套餐$10 + 7% GST, 每份是$10.70. 有appetizer, main course, coffee or tea and dessert, 我觉得价钱还蛮公道的, 而且那里环境还真的不错, 边用餐边听音乐, 偶尔宠一下自己, 生活才有乐趣~ I Loving it =)


Hayley said...

你lunch hout也是一个小时?

EveLyn said...

yayaya, 1 hour! some time no enough too... :p

vialentino said...

wow...nice food pics the coffee...