前两天得知阿嬷跌到在家 头破血流地被送往医院
家人们个个赶往见她一面 之后她就一直昏迷不醒
后来半醒状态却认不得人 一直到隔天才逐渐清醒
星期六我和姐赶紧赶回家 很高兴阿嬷还认得我们
只不过她十分之瘦和憔悴 像个小baby躺在大床上
左手打着点滴 右手也因为抽不到血而肿得很够力
阿嬷说这里痛那里也痛 而我们看了也真的很心疼
由于已很夜 只能待一会儿 接着回家 让她多休息
回家开家庭会议时 某人的所作所谓真的很令人气愤
与阿嬷相处十八年 而阿嬷一直都很疼爱的一家人
怎么可以一次又一次的 带给阿嬷越来越深的伤害
(那些所作所谓不必用笔记录 我永远都不会忘掉)
但没关系 阿嬷福大命大 还有一班两代同堂会孝顺她
只希望阿嬷不要把心事耽在心里 可以无忧无虑过日子
星期日多数都在医院 晚上就回JB了所以得把握时间多陪阿嬷
下午阿嬷的气色还很好 有说有笑 可是晚上就慢慢开始变差了
再加上后来被没脑的某人气得七孔冒烟 情况又开始不乐观
昨晚发烧呕吐吃不下食物 今天就说了很多奇奇怪怪的话
虽然知道如果她走了*touch wood*是种解脱 但还是很心疼 T__T
p/s: 阿嬷闯了一关又一关 是她毅力很强 还是心愿未了所以不放心走?
那个最疼爱的宝贝孙子到现在都还没回来 阿嬷是在等他吗??
他只不过是在KL而已 赶回太平真的很远吗?? 真的有这么忙吗??
Haiz... 别的人别的事我们真的管不了 希望阿嬷不要撑得太辛苦
因为我们都很心疼。。 *pray for you, my beloved granny*
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Fun Kukup Trip-Day 2~ 10/10/10
第二天清早, 我们是最后起身的一对 (那时才9am...)
最早睡的是我们, 结果最迟醒的也是我们... =p
但不必担心早餐会被吃清光啦, 因为人人都有份! =)
吃过了早餐, 玩的玩, 唱的唱, 大家就把握最后时间玩乐~
最早睡的是我们, 结果最迟醒的也是我们... =p
但不必担心早餐会被吃清光啦, 因为人人都有份! =)
吃过了早餐, 玩的玩, 唱的唱, 大家就把握最后时间玩乐~
早餐有炒面, nasi lemak和一些kuih...
刚好冰棋淋uncle经过, 朋友就请了我们吃ice-cream ^^
时间一滴一答地过去, 大家各自开始冲洗然后收拾行李。。。
等大家已冲香香, 打扮美美之后, 就开始拍大合照留恋咯 ^.*

total 15 of us ^^ nice picture...
Indeed, have a lot of fun with you all~ Miss yaaa
the last and nice group photo for the day =)
泰式豆腐 & 清淡蔬菜
虽然这里海鲜新鲜, 但餐馆的烹调手法是麻麻得而已! 与其说来这里是为了吃海鲜, 倒不如说这里是减压和一班人聚会的好地方。可以抛下所有的烦恼和压力, 无拘无束地与亲人朋友一起过简单的周末, 真的很不错! =) 还有这里都是采用全包性质来收费, 我们付了RM90, 所有的吃喝玩乐, 全部包括在内, 非常划算! 而且这次的主人家很好也很随和, 任吃任喝, 总之有求必应, 服务态度真的很棒~ 相信, 我们还会再来!!! =D
吃饱之后就是时候say good-bye啦!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
昨晚情绪很低落, 夜深了还拨电给三姐...
不必诉说, 只要听到家人的声音, 心情自然会平伏!
凑巧三姐还在阿嬷家, 三姐就让阿嬷和我聊一会儿~
吃饱了吗? 工作这么夜才回家吗? 快点去冲凉吃饭然后睡觉! 每天工作这么辛苦要多多休息。。。
阿嬷一连说了这么多话, 我真的感动到要命 T_____T
之前她病得很严重, 连说句话的力气也没有! 今天她的关心, 真的很令我欣慰~
我强忍泪水跟她说: 阿嬷, 你也是要多休息, 多多照顾自己啊!
阿嬷回答: 我现在每天都吃饱睡, 睡饱吃, 过得很好啦~ (还会说笑呢!!)
真的感谢上帝让阿嬷好起来!!! 希望她健健康康, 长命百岁!!!
阿嬷, 我好想你哦~~~
Monday, October 18, 2010
虽然没回乡庆祝, 但在FB上一样可以感受那气氛! =)
这家餐馆料理很不错, 价钱也很公道~
虽然离我家远了一点, 但相信还是会再来光顾~ ;)
不止要当司机, 还要付钱请吃饭~ 哈哈
Thank you so much, my dear~ =)
虽然没回乡庆祝, 但在FB上一样可以感受那气氛! =)
里头装饰简单, 还有卖些素食品
这家餐馆料理很不错, 价钱也很公道~
虽然离我家远了一点, 但相信还是会再来光顾~ ;)
不止要当司机, 还要付钱请吃饭~ 哈哈
Thank you so much, my dear~ =)
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Fun Kukup Trip ~ Day 1 09/10/10
p/s: I took 2days time to get it success post as unable to paste the chinese word in and need re-upload photos and re-do everything *sigh* No choice and I gotta blog in english =='
Well, Thanks God for the blessed of my granny so that we be able to enjoyed the long awaited Kukup trip over the weekend. (going to cancel the trip last minute as granny in serious sickness on last Friday but luckily she was fine at last) After the quick breakfast, we were heading to Kukup by Ma Lee's car quickly as we were late for an hour. (Can't blame, the 2 jiu kui had beer drinks till 4.30am last night, and guess what, there are total 20+ bottle of beers for total 4 of them... gosh!!! ) Okies, go back to the topic, let's picture do talking...
(can gai gai sure happy mah... lolz)
see the drunkard look... so stim!!! haha
(dear in white and Ma Lee in black, both are the jiu kui as mentioned above =p, that's why this gang of buddies like to called them "kakak adik")
the beautiful double storey chalet *woohoo*
wow~ two large multi-purpose living room
It is very clean and comfortable house, I like it so much!!!
this is the room to share by 4 of us
a simple lunch of the day, fry mee hoon with curry chicken and red bean soup.
(can ask for refill if no enough, owner is always get ready to fulfill our needs)
outside was super hot, so all of us were stay in house to enjoyed the air-corn ^^
some of them played mahjong, some were sing K and watch movie...
And me, enjoying snap photos all around... =)
Next, we shift to upstairs to continue game and fun after get bored at downstairs
wow~ upstairs is very big too ^^
They found very boring if just only play card so come out with an idea, who lose and gotta to get draw face. Everyone is very gan cheong and indeed it make more fun! hahaha

evening time, the owner prepared us some snack.
evening time, the owner prepared us some snack.
fry tau fu and "har peng" <- (in cantonese)
very nice and yummy~ we ask more & more... ;)
the weather is damn hot so ice kacang is must eat!!! =p
The mango pomelo ice is so nice... awwww, so syok to eat!!! ;)
Yes, nowadays Kukup is upgraded! A lot shops and mini market there, and the new massage shop too... wow! Compare to the last year, Kukup seem more & more progressive...
I get myself a short pant and dear bought some local titbit for his colleagues.
And the local famous jelly cake is must buy gift too! I ordered 11 boxes in total. =)
our time is so zhun! Reached home on time and get ready to start dinner~
The owner will get done all bbq for us, we just sit and wait to eat... hehe
taken it at outside chalet, all of us love the cooling sea breeze so much...
the variety and yummy foods ^^
p/s: same too... can refill until you all eat full full =)
Overall the bbq is not bad but the vegetable is very sweet and nice!
so we ask 1 more plate of it. hehe...
We spent some time to enjoyed the foods and talk.
The tide is low, the sea is quiet;
The night is peaceful and windy...
how relaxed and carefree day!!! ~.~
random pics of the night! *my face turn red after some beer* =p
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