上星期六, 老板率领我们出席Maybank 50'岁周年举办的义走活动。老板娘是Maybank的branch Manager, 再加上这是慈善活动所以我们大家都非常响应! 而当晚也有超过10,000人出席, 一起点燃了狮城漂亮的夜景。。。一边行走、一边欣赏灿烂的夜景,其实3.5Km的路程也不算很长。但久没运动的我, 而脚又刚跌伤, 所以消耗了蛮多的力气, 实在很累! @.@ (接着就让照片诉说当晚的情景吧)
an event t-shirt, coupon for light stick pack, goodies bag and lucky draw
The Promontory @ Marina Bay
sister and I(dear was work so unable to joined us)
Our big group photo~
Light stick pack included rain coat & pen
free snack from Old Chang Kee ^yum yumm^
flag-off for the nightwalk~~

some random pics of us
huge crowds of people @ Double-Helix Bridge
Happy Family Fun Theme~~ Indeed, I have alots Fun! =)

the wonderful nightscape that spans The Esplanade, Double-Helix Bridge, Marina Bay Sands and the Maybank Tower
last but not least, the goodie bag which worth sgd50(sgd15 per pax for the entrance fee and get back these goodie bag, worth right? ^^)
完成那路程已接近九点钟, 我受伤的脚一直阵阵剧痛, 所以不等lucky draw, 领取了goodie bag之后就先告别! (还得赶回jb呢) 这一夜, 就以满足感为这有意义的一天, 画上完美的句号。=) Blessed!!!
满健康啊。。可以走走动动。哈哈。。还有goodie bag~
hehe...这的确是给自己运动的好机会! ;)
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